International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(December 2018)

Influence of Socio Economic Status on Awareness on Lifestyle Diseases Among Parents of Elementary School Students

Authors: [1] Dr. Niranjana K. P. [2] Mrs. Smitha T. K.

Pages: 70-73


The most challenging problem in this revolutionized era is the occurrence of lifestyle diseases. The death by the cause of lifestyle diseases in both developed and underdeveloped countries are increasing at an alarming rate. Drastic changes in the lifestyle as well as lack of awareness or rather misconceptions are the main causes of rapid spreading of lifestyle diseases. The present study intended to understand to influence of socio economic status of parents of elementary school students on awareness of lifestyle diseases. Sample for the study consisted of 300 parents of elementary school students drawn from different schools of Palakkad district of Kerala state. The study adopted survey method. Data were collected by using Awareness Test on Lifestyle Diseases. Statistical techniques used are percentage analysis and one-way ANOVA. The results revealed that among various categories of parents on the basis of their Socio Economic Status i.e., low SES group, average SES group and high SES group, majority of parents are having an average level of awareness on lifestyle diseases in all categories. The results of one-way ANOVAindicated that there exists significant difference in the mean scores of the awareness on lifestyle diseases among parents of elementary school students belongs to high SES group, average SES group and low SES group. The mean score of awareness on lifestyle diseases of parents of elementary school students belong to high SES group is significantly greater than low SES group and average SES group parents of elementary school students.