International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Dr. Parveen Kumar [2] Archana Mitta
Pages: 1-7
Students are the future of the nation. Factors that influence the students’academic achievement include personal factors, emotional factors as well as social factors. In the present scenario, religion, modernization and aggression may put a remarkable influence on their academic achievement. Importance was felt to find out how these variables shape the academic achievement of the students. AIMS: 1. To compare the religious attitude, modernization, aggression and academic achievement of the college going students. 2. To find out the relationship of religious attitude, modernization and aggression with academic achievement of the college going students. METHOD AND MATERIAL: Normative survey method was used in this study. Attitude Scale towards Religion, Comprehensive Modernization Inventory and Aggression Scale were used to collect the data. This study included 200 college going students (100 Hindus & 100 Muslims) of district Haridwar. Sample was selected through random sampling technique. RESULTS: Hindu and Muslim students have been found to differ significantly in religious attitude, modernization and aggression. Hindu boys & girls have been found to differ significantly in all the research variables. But Muslim boys and girls do not differ in their academic achievement. Significant positive correlation has been found between modernization and academic achievement of college going students. Academic achievement of Hindu students is found to be correlated with religious attitude and modernization
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