International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Shashi Wanjari
Pages: 1-6
The paper draws inspiration from the motto, Let everyone be happy, let everyone be free from all ills, and focusing on the theme Educational Leadership which may help to sustain in the present scenario of demographic change. Demographic changes vary from country to country and they are never the same or uniform, however, the roles teachers are required to play are in fact the same and almost uniform hence there is an urgent need of a shift in mind set of Educational Leaders. The paper suggests some steps to be followed, to achieve educational leadership at a time of Demographic Change and displays how Vivekananda’s philosophy is relevant and effective driving force to inculcate values among youth as per needs of the society. For this study researcher has developed questionnaire & administered to 80 faculty members from the Senior Colleges which are a part of Higher Education system.
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