International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Sujit Bordhan
Pages: 1-6
This study is an attempt to investigate attitude of teachers, parents and adolescents towards sex education in relation to some demographic variables. The sample consisted of 50 teachers, 50 parents and 100 adolescents from Nagaon district of Assam. Descriptive survey method was used for the present study. Using convenient sampling method the data was collected. Three self-constructed attitude scales entitled ‘Attitude towards Sex Education', one each for parents, teachers and adolescents were used for the study. From the results it was found that mostly teachers have favourable attitude towards sex education. Majority of the teachers reported that teachers need special training in discussing sexuality with students. Mostly parents believed that sex education would help children to be more responsible in their sexual behaviour. Findings also showed that male teachers had a significantly more favourable attitude towards sex education as compared to female teachers; Fathers showed significantly more favourable attitude towards sex education than mothers; highly educated parents had significantly more positive attitude towards sex education than less educated parents. The results also reveal that economic status of parents has no effect on their attitude towards sex education. The attitude of boys towards sex education is significantly more favourable as compared to girls.
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