International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Ms. Smitha Jose
Pages: 1-3
Spiritual maturity implies exercising wisdom and compassion in relationship to other people, regardless of gender, creed, age or ethnic origin as well as reverence and respect for all forms of life. Spiritual maturity also suggests a subjective sense of insight and understanding based on the willingness to recognize illusions, to love in the face of impermanence and to come to terms with existential freedom and morality. Social adjustment refers to the pattern of the modes of response built up the individual in his social environment and evaluated in terms of the standard of his culture group as acceptable, desirable or successful. The present paper speaks of the relationship between spiritual maturity and social adjustment of student teachers. The study reveals that there is a significant relationship between spiritual maturity and social adjustment of student teachers.
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