International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(March 2015)

The Impact of Academic Counseling on Study Habits of Adolescent Students-in Indian Government Schools

Authors: [1] Sri Bhagavad Gita Narahari [2] Anita Tewari

Pages: 1-5


: Utilizing one’s full potential is a dream. The aim is to study the impact of academic counseling on adolescents studying in government schools by adopting optimum study habits. Underachievement keeps an adolescent from fully realizing his optimum academic potential. Hence, the impact of counseling on students to utilize their complete ability by practicing optimum study habits was tested. A sample size of 125 adolescents from XI and XII standard, studying in government schools were tested. Academic counseling needs and psychological group counseling was given to the students in three phases regarding correct and smart study habits before examinations. The measure of standardized Study Habits Inventory was used to test adolescents in high school .Academic counseling questionnaire was prepared and put to statistical treatment for standardization. Pearson’s Product-moment correlation and regression analysis were used for data analysis. Inverse correlation was observed between counselling needs and class of students. The younger adolescent students studying in XI class with less effective study habits showed greater need for counseling when compared to XII class. Test-retest reliability was performed on 25 adolescents after two weeks of being given counseling. There was no significant difference in academic counseling needs on gender. Hence, this study, gives an insight into the students’ requirement for academic counselling and also intellectually prompts to make it mandatory, especially in government schools that have less enriched environment and less awareness about smart study habits.