International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Ayya Samy
Pages: 18-21
Scientific is related to the more thinking and knowledge of science relevant information. Comparison of the students in scientific aptitude, attitude, lactation (rural, urban), type of school ( government, private), gender ( boys, girls ) students of high and low achieving students of class XII th standard physics subject in Villupuram district. There is no significance difference in scientific aptitude and attitude, lactation (rural, urban), type of school (government, private), gender (boys, girls) students of high and low achievement. The samples are collected from 240 students, among the samples 120 are boys and reaming girls in two educational blocks. Treatment of the data calculation from mean, standard deviation, significance difference, ANOVA. According to the calculation urban students have more psychology factor than the rural students. Private schools students have more achievement in physics subject than the government schools students. Girl’s students have more achievement than the boys students.
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