International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(March 2013)

Epistemological Beliefs of Teacher Trainees in Relation to their Gender and Academic Achievement: An Explorative Study

Authors: Dr. Prakash Chandra Jena

Pages: 17-29


The main purpose of the study is to identify different levels of epistemological beliefs of primary school teacher trainees. The investigator has taken 300 primary school teacher trainees from three districts of Jammu and Kashmir by using simple random sampling technique. For collection of data the investigator has used Epistemological Belief Questionnaire (EBQ) constructed and standardized by the investigator. For analyses and interpretation of data the investigator has used t-test and Analysis of Variance (One way). Key Words: Epistemological Belief, Innate Ability Belief, Simple Knowledge Belief, Certain Knowledge Belief