International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(June 2015)

Effect of Inductive Thinking Model on Achievement in Scientific Creativity of Class IX Students

Authors: Meenaksh

Pages: 32-37


In the present study the effect of Inductive Thinking Model on achievement in Scientific Creativity of class IX students was investigated. Non-randomised pre-test-post-test control group experimental design was followed. Sample of 201 students was picked up for the study comprising of two groups viz. Control and experimental group. Tools used were: Scientific creativity test developed by S.K. Majumdar to assess Scientific Creativity, Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices to assess Intelligence. Mean, SD, t-test, ANCOVA were used as statistical techniques. Results of the study revealed that Inductive Thinking Model was found to be effective in terms of achievement in scientific Creativity of class IX students. Further, Achievement in Scientific Creativity was found to be independent of the interaction between treatment and gender; treatment and intelligence when pre achievement in Scientific Creativity was taken as covariate.