International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(June 2015)

Application of Behavior Therapy for The Management of Problem Behavior Among School Going Children

Authors: [1] Dr. Gopal Chandra Mahakud [2] Shivani Arora [3] Jaspreet Kaur

Pages: 38-43


Problem behavior among school going children is now an emergent areas of research worldwide. Because children with problem behavior not only suffer the maladies in day to day life it also affects their academic and other school related performances. Problem behavior among school going children are broadly categories in two main streams such as externalizing problem behavior and internalizing problem behavior. Externalizing problem behavior such as out of sitting behavior, stealing, making quarrel with friends’disobedience to the teachers and elders, etc are more common in Indian school going children. As Problem Behavior is a negligible area and not much concern is paid till now, especially in India, availability of treatment is also less. Since Behavior Therapy is one of the influential therapies to treat behaviors, so in the present study the researcher tried to use a combination of techniques of behavior therapy such as Reinforcement through Token Economy, Modeling through video and storytelling, Stimulus Control and relaxation through Jacobson Progressive Muscle Relaxation to treat Problem Behavior among children. Behavior therapy is targeted because it does not involve any single method rather it contains a number of techniques which help the children to improve undesirable behavior.