International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Geetu P. Hotwani [2] Dr. S. K. Tripathi
Pages: 69-72
rowding refers to the feeling of others being too close versus them actually being too close. When someone is actually physically invading someone else’s space this pertains to the term density. There is a difference in these terms and in the sense that crowding is subjective and density objective. Researchers place confusion on the two when they do not distinguish them from one another yet use them interchangeably. External factors produce variety of behaviours in people. Evidence has shown that crowding can lead to a decrease in aggressive behavior as well as an increase in such behaviour. Stress today is due to overcrowding and lack of space, not only in the outside world but in one’s own mind. The feeling of overcrowding is not perceived equally. One person may feel that a group of three is overcrowded, another maybe comfortable with a group of twenty. The anxiety and stress associated with this perception and its measurement forms this study. Low tolerance for frustration, discomfort, distresses, negative mood and some evidence of increased pulse rate was found. Along with the presence of higher arousal on skin conductance, body contact made a significant contribution to the amount of stress experienced as a ¬consequent reaction to crowding followed by manifestation of annoyance, botheration for spatial intrusion during crowding condition. A dynamic model will be proposed to explain the detrimental impact of experiential crowding on adolescents in Indian setting.
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