International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Dr. Gopal Chandra Mahakud [2] Mrs. Renu Joshi
Pages: 1-6
Self Concept is the perception of one-selves involving his/her attitudes, feelings and knowledge about skills, abilities, appearance and social acceptability. Self concept is considered as one of the important and influential factors that closely related with people’s behaviours and various emotional and cognitive outcomes. In this regard, the present study aimed to find out the relationship between the self concept and the academic achievement of school going children from Delhi city, India. Information in this regard collected using self-concept Inventory by Saraswat (1984) and Academic Achievement Need scale developed by Tanwar & Amalnerkar (2010). The present study was conducted with a total of (N=60) school going students subdividing into 30 learning disabled and 30 skilled learners. A single case design was followed for the present study where each participant’s data were collected at the natural setting at both home and school setting. Before the collection of data each individual’s consent and permission from the appropriate authorities and parent were taken to satisfy the ethical guidelines of the research. The data analysis of the study was followed both descriptive and inferential statistics, the data analysis was done using SPSS 16.0. The result of the present study revealed that children with learning disabled were poor in their self concept compare to the skilled learners and as a result the children with learning disabled also poor in their academic performance than to their counterparts.
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