International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Shruti Marwaha [2] Geetika Seth
Pages: 49-54
Focus Factor in humans has an initial & final value. The desired value lies between these two values. After calibrating the current cognition value, we can work to encompass the desired value. Focus Factor can be reordered by applying customized education methodology.The research was conducted in Chandigarh. The sample for the research study consisted of 100 school going students of 10th standard from different schools. Purposive sampling was undertaken to select subjects, who were then divided into two groups. The first group; Group-A was the Control Group, whereas the second group; Group-B was the Experimental Group on whom the Customized Solutions & Training Programme was implemented, to see the impact (if any) of focus factor on their mathematics marks. On the contrary, the Control group did not have access to the said programme. The marks in Mathematics in both the quarters were obtained from the respective teachers. The tool used was Cognitive Ability Test and Assessment. After the successful completion of Customized solutions & training programmefor six months, it was notified that the Focus Factor of Group B increased significantly, subsequently their marks in mathematics inclined as well whereas in case of the control group, no significant change was seen in their consecutive tests.
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