International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Shruti Pandey [2] Dr. Geeta Rani Sharma
Pages: 55-58
Early attempts at integration essentially attempted to place children with special need in the regular system, with supports going to the student, but little change in the structure of education. Later on Declaration of Salamanca helped to re-conceptualize the participation of students with special need in regular education from “integration†to “inclusionâ€. In general classroom, inclusive education makes provision for learning of all children in a same classroom irrespective of their caste, creed, religion and disability, and the general teacher becomes the facilitator. Inclusive education is not only limited to main streaming the learners with special needs but also concerned with identifying and overcoming all barriers to effective, continuous and quality participation in education. The educational professional are the important part of teaching-learning situation, as it is the educators who make learning possible. Thus the success of inclusion depends on various factors which includes the attitudes of educational professionals i.e. teachers and administrators as well, the quality of instruction given by the educational professionals . More specifically, teachers’ attitudes about inclusion have been found to be a crucial factor that impacts the implementation of inclusion for children with disabilities. An attempt has been made in this paper to justify the problems in implementation of inclusive education due to the attitudinal barriers of educational professionals.
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