International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Varun M. [2] Shobana Priya. S. [3] Thamil selvan. P
Pages: 19-22
Previous study examined the Gaze pattern of individuals differing in FD-I cognitive style and finding revealed the difference in Blink count, Saccade count and Fixations. Cognitive style also termed as learning style has its implication in education among students and students differing in their hemispheric preferences has their own set of proficiency. The present study investigates the relationship between FD-I cognitive style and hemispherical preference among students pursuing majors that requires distinct capabilities. 45 participants (10 male and 25 female) of 15 from each department (Costume designing and fashion (CDF), Mathematics and English literature) were selected randomly. Participants were administered with Group Embedded Figure Test (GEFT) and Brain dominance inventory (BDI). Finding indicates the discrepancy in distribution of FD-I cognitive style and brain dominance among students belonging to different majors. Equal distribution founded in regards with cognitive style and brain dominance among CDF students. But in terms of mathematics department, Field Independent S’ (FI) outnumbered Field Dependent S’ (FD) and those who were FI preferred to be Right hemisphere dominant and similarly in English literature majority falls on the category of FI and their preferred hemispherical dominance is also Right. Overall finding concludes that more than half of the students were belongs to FI cognitive style and for the most part of they were Right hemispheric dominant. Practical implications of the results were discussed.
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