International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Sujitha. R [2] Dr. Subhashini. R
Pages: 45-48
An attitude is an expression of favour or disfavour towards a person, place, thing or event. Attitude as defined 1) Manner, disposition, feeling, position etc. with regard to a person or thing; tendency or orientation, especially of the mind. 2) Position or posture of the body appropriate to or expressive of an action, emotion, etc. a threatening attitude; a relaxed attitude. It is our mental response to people, places, things and events in our life. All people irrespective of status, intelligence or circumstance hold attitudes. Adolescent is the period where many changes will occur and pave way to attitudinal changes. The personality of a person is enormously depending on his/her attitude. In this transient stage, their attitude may be modified due to peer, media, surroundings, family environment etc., Most of the adults searching for perfect paragon to choose their attitude towards life. There are many factors which influence their attitude such as family, marriage, friends, career, socio-economic activities etc., Some attitudes are emerged as direct conclusions. Youngsters are pillars of our nation and their attitudes are considered as important aspect for their future.
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