International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Alice A. Anika
Pages: 134-139
The study explored the cognitive, emotional, psychomotor, social and language development of some sampled pre-school children in Kilifi County Kenya. The data collection tools included observation check list, interview schedules, Focused group discussions and teacher pupil class activities. The children’s teachers and parents were also involved in the study. Visitation to the children’s homes and schools was made to find out to what extent parents involvement in children’s education enhances child academic achievement. The study concurred with other researchers views that educated parent’s plays a great role in the learning of their children. The study also found out that most pre-school units have still been left in the hands of the churches, community members, non-governmental organizations and very little still is in the hands of the government. The training of ECD teachers is still not well regularized and the units are integrated into the government primary schools. However various attempts are being under; early childhood education director at the County government, recruitment of the teaching staffs and development of some selected pre-unit schools to spear head the transition. The study recommended the need to focus on teacher competency and learning resources provision to boost the early childhood literacy environment. There is also need to provide conducive growing up and learning environment to help mould the children into holistic personality in their future lives. This realization depends a lot on the sound ecological environment of the psych-social development of the pre-schoolers.
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