International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Arvinder Kaur [2] Dr. Manju Sharma
Pages: 8-10
Teacher-education is a significant part of school education programme. To revise the teacher-education curriculum in accordance with existing needs, to judge the suitability of some innovative curriculum for teacher education, to judge the suitability and effectiveness of some new teacher-training strategies NCTE extends the duration of BEd course from 1 year to 2 years from 2015 onwards. The changes in the duration of B.Ed & M.Ed courses will lead Teacher Education more sensitive to the emerging demands of the school system by developing the competency of student teachers for doing different roles. On the other hand; it has some constraints. Present paper focuses on the visions, advantages and limitations of the course.
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