International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Dr. Abdul Gafoor. K [2] Abidha Kurukkan
Pages: 60-65
Self-regulated learning is identified as a fruitful learning strategy as evidenced from the increase in the number of researches in academic self-regulation since year 2000. Knowing to manage one’s own learning is helpful in attaining the goals. This analysis of literature on self-regulated learning focuses on the factors that affect self-regulated learning and the students' learning outcomes from application of self-regulated learning. This paper identifies major categories of variables studied in relation to self-regulated learning, and summarizes the findings there from. Factors like cognitive strategy use, meta-cognition, selfefficacy and other motivational beliefs and some individual differences were considered. An inter relationship between selfefficacy and self-regulated learning is manifest. Mastery goal orientation favours self-regulated learning. Areas of language and mathematics education manifests more studies on self-regulated learning than other curricular areas. Findings from both the areas confirm that self-regulated learning results in enhanced achievement and desirable affective outcomes. How the selfregulated learning is linked to mathematics learning outcomes is specifically elaborated for facilitating future research and classroom practices especially in mathematics education context around this motivational construct.
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