International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Surekha Ksheerasagar, Dr. P. B. Kavyakishore
Pages: 61-65
One of the chief objectives of education is the development of desirable attitudes in the students. It is, therefore, obvious that the teachers must understand the various dimensions of an attitude. It is also to be kept in view that we are required to develop several attitudes in the students like attitude towards studies, attitude towards self, attitude towards colleagues, attitude towards certain ideals, etc. Attitude is purely a psychological concept. From psychological point of view it is difficult to discriminate attitude from other psychological concepts like interest, aptitude or appreciation. Still, it is defined as the readiness of mind to respond to an object, person or a situation. It is something that is learned by an individual as he learns many other things in life. Attitude is an orientation or disposition or a sort of readiness to react in a certain way. Which an individual carries with him in a sort of latent form and it may become manifest in an individuals behavior only when an occasion arises. When an individual has to express his attitude he may react to them in a predetermined manner either favorably or unfavorably or in different manner. Hence this study attempts to know the relationship of achievement in science and scientific attitude among students and the found result from this study was that there is no significant relationship in achievement in science and scientific attitude.
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