International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] S. Goutami [2] Dr. Surendra. Bharsakle
Pages: 72-77
Parents are integral part of the early childhood education process. Often educators refer to parents as the child’s “first and best teacherâ€. But most of the parents these days, are very busy and it’s hard for them to set aside time every night for something like reading a story to their child, have least time to find out if the child is struggling with school?. Many children are associated with difficulties in school, behavioural problems, and negative self- concepts and so on. In this research, researcher is trying identify and work over such problems among underachievers at primary level. Aim: To compare the mean scores of working memory of Underachievers belonging to meditation Therapy group and control group by considering pre-working memory as a covariate. Pretest-Posttest control group design was used. Purposive sampling technique was used for sample selection.The sample consists of total 40 (20 in experimental group & 20 in control group) which include both boys and girls of age group 6 to 10 years. For find out the behavioral and working memory problems among underachievers Problem Behavior Check-List (PBCL–VD) scale and Six Letter Cancellation Test (SLCT) for measuring the working memory was used. One way ANCOVA was used to find out the effectiveness of the meditation therapy the working memory and behavioral problems of among underachievers at primary level. Finding and conclusions: findings of the study show the working memory of the under achievers receiving meditation therapy increased effectively, behavioral problems of underachievers receiving meditation therapy decreases effectively
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