International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Shrabanti Sen
Pages: 26-27
Inclusive education has always been a debated model with Special schools. Special schools no wonder ensures an individual attention and need based curriculum for the student but the range of opportunities is varied in an Inclusive setup. Special schools segregate the student from a general education setup whereas the Inclusive school follows a common curriculum for all which ensures that every student will learn the same objective even if it is in a different manner. One true fact is no one wants to be left alone. An aware and sensitive society will brace everyone despite their differences. Similarly, an education system can be successful only if it caters to the different needs, skills and talents of students. A healthy education atmosphere is one which respects ‘being different’. Aschool set up where everyone is included is an Inclusive setup. But in reality Inclusion is still a dream with certain constraints despite International laws and policies.
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