International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr Prerna Purohit
Pages: 85-90
The present study was carried out to examine the role of spiritual intelligence , living status and gender on adjustment and its various domains (health, home, social, marital, emotional and financial).200 senior citizens of different living status i.e. institutionalized and non institutionalized senior citizens were included in this study.The data was analyzed by 2x2x2 ANOVAto study the impact of spiritual intelligence (high and low), living status (institutionalized and non-institutionalized) and gender (males and females) on adjustment and its domains (i.e. health, home, social, marital, emotional and financial) of senior citizens. Results revealed that independent effect of living status significantly influence over all adjustment. Noninstitutionalized senior citizens scored high on over all adjustment than institutionalized senior citizens . Three way interaction of all the three independent variables found significant.Thus, the present pilot study unveils the importance of old age homes for elderly care in developing world in general and it also guides and seeks further exploration of these comparisons in large population samples of elderly people among Indian societies in particular.
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