International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. B.B. Policepatil
Pages: 6-8
There has been a persistent erosion of values in the society. In the present day context certain values need to be redefined and reinstalled. There are situations when the values imparted and inculcated in schools are not generally practiced in society. Value education demands a planned and purposive approach. It is through education and as of necessity through teacher education programmes that the task of inculcating values can be substantially accomplished. Whereas values are emotive, the other related significant dimension is that of moral education which is essentially connotative in character. Morals are situation specific and demand immediate decision and action and yet there are morals which are considered to be eternal and universal. Through committed teachers, the art of ensuring moral development in a secular multi-religious and multi-ethic society needs to be cultivated. Researches conducted so far have been limited in respect of values of teachers but there is paucity of researches in the field of secondary school teachers. In this study the researcher used the stratified random sampling technique by selecting the secondary school teachers from Vijayapur district. The study found that the teachers of secondary schools do not differ significantly with reference to social and religious values. Further it was concluded that secondary school teachers have to choose different alternatives in their limited resources to meet their needs and demands they have more financial demands to be meeting than that of male secondary school teachers.
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