International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Monica Sharma [2] Vagisha Shekhawat
Pages: 31-36
It has been observed that in modern world every individual is in search of being and doing something different from others which gave rise to concepts like creativity and Uniqueness Seeking. Grit and Flow comparatively new concepts which help an individual to attain their goals which gave rise to the following aims. Aim: To explore the Flow Experience, Grit and Uniqueness Seeking in high and low Creative undergraduate students. To explore the relationship between Flow Experience, Grit, Uniqueness Seeking and Creativity. Hypotheses: There will be a significant difference between high and low creative undergraduate girls on the measures of study that is, Flow Experience, Grit and Uniqueness Seeking. There will be a significant relationship between Flow Experience, Grit, Uniqueness Seeking and Creativity. Sample included was 100 Undergraduate college girls. A two-group research design was employed. t-test was analyzed further correlation and liner regression was also employed. Results reveal that high creative and creative individuals differ significantly on Flow Experience. Uniqueness Seeking is positively significantly related and also predicts Grit (76% of variance). Uniqueness Seeking also significantly positively related to and predicts Flow Experience (49% of variance). Creativity is significantly positively related to and predicts Flow (49% of variance).
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