International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Zita Lobo [2] Rajani Dube [3] Omar Al Jadaan [4] Syed Arman Rabbani [5] Sudha Arumugam
Pages: 44-49
Background: Effective teaching learning methodologies beget effective learning in outcome based education. This study aimed at finding the teaching methodology that is most preferred by students of RAK Medical and Health Sciences University,(United Arab Emirates both in the basic sciences and in clinical teaching as they determine the attitude and performances of the students in medical and health sciences education. Methods: Data was collected from Cross Sectional Survey with random selection and Convenience Sampling with a prevalidated questionnaire from consenting students from Medical, Dental, Pharmacy and Nursing colleges of the university on eleven teaching methodologies with options to agree, strongly agree, disagree and strongly disagree. Results: Responses of 416 students were considered for statistical analysis. Out of the 416 students 125 males (25.9%) and 357 females (74.1%). questions related to the Clinical Skills methodology merited strongly agree response. Lectures without teaching aids was the least preferred (104 and 151 students). Conclusion: The study concluded that in the medical university, students preferred Clinical Skills and student inclusive methodologies that had with critical thinking and problem solving skills to didactic lectures.
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