International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Vijaya V. Handore [2] Ganesh A. Mengane [3] Anita V. Handore*
Pages: 55-58
Population aging is a powerful and transforming demographic force occurring in almost all countries of the world. It has given rise to host of medical conditions like Alzheimer’s diseases (AD) and different types of dementia .Objective of this exploratory study was to assess the usefulness of screening tools as facilitator for preliminary detection of AD. Eighty two subjects of different age groups from 21 to 60 years and above were randomly selected. Identification of cognition status for preliminary detection of AD was carried out by use of standard screening test tools viz. Brief screening, Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) in the consecutive manner. The results of Brief screening test tool showed normal cognition status for age group 21 to 60 and 82.35% subjects of 60 and above were found to have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). In the MoCA test, 100 % subjects of age group 21 to 50 showed normal cognition status .7.14 % subjects of age group 51 to 60 and 79.41% subjects of age group 60 and above showed mild cognitive impairment. In MMSE, 100 % subjects of age group 21 to 30 showed normal cognition status whereas, highest percent of subjects i.e. 94.12 % with significant mild cognitive impairment was observed in age group of 61 and above. Findings of the current study indicated that age group of 60 and above seems to have mild cognitive impairment which may increases the risk of (AD).It’s early detection can be helpful to prevent the later progressing to dementia .Therefore, application of these accessible, time-efficient and cost effective screening tools might be helpful to facilitate the pre detection of AD for avoiding the disabilities in late life as well as to minimize the future burden of Alzheimer's disease.
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