International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Seema Chaurasia [2] Rajkumari Singh
Pages: 9-13
The objective of study is to look into the relationship between self-concept and scholastic achievement of professional course students. Difference between self-concept of male and female, urban and rural as well as students from government and private college is also considered for investigation. The study consist of 600 sample data of professional courses of engineering and diploma of civil, mechanical and computer science branches are participated. The data for this study is collected through the questionnaire which extracts information of student emotional intelligence and the percentage scored in first year is used as a scholastic achievement of the students. For self-concept, Pratibha Deo tool is used for data collection. Pearson correlation coefficient and t-test were used for analyzing the data.
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