International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: [1] Nidhi [2] Prof. Rajesh Kumar
Pages: 45-49
Adolescence is the important phase of overall all development of any human being. Stress in the stage of adolescence , especially for the adolescent going to school for their future development is very dangerous. In the present era, students stress is increasing due to many reason, but the study on students stress is very negligible , especially in developing and under developed countries. Therefore, the present study was planned to find out the level of stress in school going adolescent comparing both male and female from government and private schools. A total of (N=120; n1=60 from Private i.e. English medium and n2=60 from Government) school going adolescents were participated in the study. The researchers used Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices (1998) was administered to measure the IQ level of the participants and to find out a matching group to test the stress levels for both government and private school. Further, after collection of a matched group of sample from both government and private setting, the researchers used the Students Stress Scale Indian version developed by Akhtar, (2010) (Indian version) to find out and to compare level of stress of participants between government and private school going students followed by both male and female. The results of the present study indicate that, private school going adolescent are more stressed than to the government school going adolescents (p=0.003**) and the stress in males are more common than to their female counterparts (p=0.024*). So from the present study it can be said that stress in school going adolescent is a increasing factor and early management can help to reduce the stress in school going adolescent for their better future development.
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