International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(June 2019)

Role of Health Awareness among Pregnant Women: A Study at Urban Health Centre in Tirupati

Authors: Dr. P. Thavitha Thulasi

Pages: 1-4


Role of health and nutrition awareness, safe maternal age for pregnancy and spacing between pregnancies has been highly effective in improving the awareness and health habits of pregnant women. Creating awareness among the local women of childbearing age about the prevention of health problems in pregnancy, healthy practices during the gestational period, and the importance of the various procedures in antenatal care, will increase their satisfaction, improve prenatal outcome and ultimately reduce the burden of pregnancy-related preventable problems on the health services. The researcher in her study used the qualitative research methods, i.e. focused group discussions on importance of safe maternal care during the pregnancy and gained knowledge on various issues related to pregnancy like healthy maternal care, harmful effects of smoking and panparag/Gutka practices which lead to diseases in pregnancy, dietary pattern in pregnancy, number of hours of rest during the day, the necessity of care and exercise during the pregnancy etc. The study was carried out in the UHC (Urban Health Centers) in Bairagipattada, Tirupati in Chittoor District.