International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Padmanabha C. H. [1] DR. H.M. Kasinath [2]
Pages: 62-66
Mind map is an organisational thinking tool put forward by an Englishman called Tony Buzan in 1970. A mind map is similar to a semantic network or cognitive map, but there are no prescribed boundaries on the sort of links used. Most often the map involves images, terms, and shapes. The basics are arranged inductively according to the significance of the concepts and are organised into grouping branches or region. The homogeneous realistic formulation of the semantic organization of in sequence on the method of get-together knowledge may aid recall of existing memories. A creative device likewise combines two elements to project a third into the future, but the creative aim is to charge or affect the future in some way, whereas the mnemonic aim is simply to remember. Thus, by making mnemonic mind maps, simultaneously trains creative thinking faculties. These in turn improve reminiscence capability and an equally reinforce upward spiral is created. Even though the idea of mind map is quite old, its applications are noteworthy in the field of learning. The present research has the following research questions in mind: What are the educational applications of a mind map? Does it follow the constructivist philosophy of learning? How does it promote autonomy of learning? The present research study is useful for teacher educators, high school teachers, and even for primary teachers. If mind mapping concept can be implemented in education, it would help in promoting joyful learning. Key words: Mind Map, brain based learning, constructivism, educational implications
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