International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Noorjehan N. Ganihar
Pages: 76-86
No doubt that every one is interested in knowing how schools are effectively functioning for one or the other reason. A school is said to be effective which it achieves its objective using the available reasons efficiently and economically. The students‟ development and a well academic environment are the primary targets of the effective school. The principal has focused on well structured teaching activities, academic goals and students‟ high achievement. Students are monitored to progress and allowed to provide feedback of the school to enhance effectiveness. Agreed with Zembat (2010), the school provides a secure and safe environment for students and teachers to learn and teach, the teachers are expected to build respect, acceptance, and warm environment for students. Some teachers pointed out that a rigorous, supportive and optimistic environment is the students expected learn environment. The principal in this school is recognized to be a good example to appropriate use of instruction technology. For a better school effectiveness, the principal keeps working hard, team work, be a continual leader, determination and being optimistic. It is important to be able to react to the changing demand and face the specific environment. Like it is said by Leithwood et al (2004), the principal emphasizes the importance of students‟ achievement. It can be observed from the interview that the principal is creative in her collaboration with teacher, committed to students and good at instruction in dealing with changes. There are also specific works for principals such as give praise to excellent teachers, make suggestions, develop effective instruction and so on. All this actions are conducted to enhance or maintain the school effectiveness.
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