International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(September 2019)

The Influence of Selected Conflict Intervention Resolutions Applied in Kenyan Public Universities on Academic Stress, Academic Anxiety and Self-esteem as Forms of Intrapersonal Conflicts

Authors: Amusala Constance. M., Dr. Judah M. Ndiku, Prof. Peter Odera

Pages: 21-29


We recognize that one of the development strategy that the Government is determined to provide is quality university education to qualified Kenyans. Kenyan Universities can support its goal by addressing intrapersonal conflicts experienced by students through development of comprehensive, educational, integrated, and conflict friendly intervention resolutions to managing conflicts and disputes. Students who are able to resolve intrapersonal conflicts experienced while on campus display greater academic performance compared to those who have difficulty in resolving such conflicts. Academic achievement plays a significant role in assuring quality education. University students have a similar characterized life trend full of intrapersonal conflicts resulting into undesirable outcomes which affect academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of selected conflict intervention resolutions applied by Kenyan Public Universities in resolving academic stress, academic anxiety, and levels of self-esteem as forms of intrapersonal conflicts in order to enhance academic performance. Specific objective of the study was to: establish the effectiveness of conflict intervention resolutions in resolving selected intrapersonal conflicts. Social cognitive theory by Albert Bandura and developmental task theory by Robert Havighurst were used to guide the researcher. An ex-post facto research design was adapted. Simple random, stratified random, and purposive sampling techniques was used to select those cases that are typical and useful in this research in the respective universities. Cochran’s sample size formula was used to calculate the sample size of the third year university students. Questionnaires were used to collect data from selected third year students. In depth Interview schedules were used to collect data from deans of students, student counselors, and chairpersons of academic departments. The researcher had a Focus Group Discussion with student leaders. The collected data was processed and analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Spearman’s rho Correlation). The findings of this study indicated that when Public Universities apply conflict intervention strategies, academic stress and anxiety levels are reduced on one hand, while the self – esteem is improved on the other hand thus academic performance is likely to be enhanced in public universities in Western Region, Kenya. Basing on the findings, the recommendations were that the University Management Board of Public Kenyan Universities need to address the issues raised by the third year university students in order to manage the academic environment for learning. This in collaboration with Commission for University Education, Deans of faculties or schools, Chairpersons of academic Departments (CoD’s), Dean of Students Office, and Guidance and counseling.