International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Ritesh Tularam
Pages: 39-45
This academic paper attempts to offer some insights, reflections and probably new perspectives on the importance of continuing professional development to TVET pedagogues in a rapidly changing technological era in the specific context of the country, Guyana, which is situated in South America. Additionally, this paper in its articulation utilises a theoretical approach, with a discourse analysis method in carefully analyzing the existing best practices and/or approaches from developed countries, with an intention of adopting and utilizing similar best acceptable approaches/methods in the herein country as a continuum. Moreover, in this rapidly emerging and revolutionized global space the concept of continuous professional development cannot be over stated, since it is recognised by all practioners been it doctors, lawyers, nurses and TVET pedagogues as the ultimate methods and means of their continued sustenance, which shall beckon the overall improvement of their self- efficacy and selfworth towards their respective disciple. More specifically, TVET practioners must be constantly engaging themselves in the advancement in the path of current and trending new knowledge and skills, so that they required level and /or degree of competencies can be attained for the sustainability of the TVET fraternity, which will perhaps lead to the successful transition of the trainees into the world of work.
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