International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Karbagaselvi. C. , Dr. Suma K.O
Pages: 26-30
The objectives of this research is to study what extent the content of a secondary school science textbook in schools of Kerala are helpful to develop Logical mathematical intelligence. The methodology applied for this study is Analysis -cum survey method. The analytical method was used to analyse the chemistry portions of eighth grade science textbook in developing the components of logical-Mathematical intelligence. The survey method was used to collect the response of teachers regarding the components of LMI in the chemistry portions of VIII standard science textbook. For the sake of clarity, each component was divided into several traits. The opinionnaire were administered in secondary school teachers and training college teachers working in three districts of Kerala. The data were analysed by simple percentage and critical ratio. The findings of the study were;1. Chemistry portions of VIII standard Science Text Book has significant influence in developing the components of logical mathematical intelligence. 2.Follow up activities of chemistry portion of VIII standard Science text book has more significant influence than its content in developing the components of logical mathematical intelligence. There is no significant difference between the opinion of teachers and the investigator regarding the component of Logical-Mathematical Intelligence in the chemistry portions of VIII standard science textbook.
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