International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Ajeet Kumar Rai , Jaya Mukherji
Pages: 67-69
One major issue in Science Education Research is that it is infected with the problem of non-translation of research findings into classroom practices. There are many mechanisms through which this issue can be tackled. One way is through Action Research but a better way is through Collaborative Action Research between a school based Science teacher and a University based research scholar. In this way, Collaborative Action Research serves as a bridge which joins the gap between the theories of Science Education Research and its practical applications. Thus, it empowers Science Education Research making it more useful, practical and relevant for teachers at the ground level. As adopting Collaborative Action Research makes the practitioners to reflect at their own practices and making needed changes in their own practices thus it also promotes the professional development of the teachers.
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