International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Mahendra Balasaheb Patil
Pages: 92-95
The purpose behind this investigation is to find out whether the Self Confidence of students are affect by participation in outdoor or indoor sports, for this investigation Purposive randomized sampling technique was employed to select the participants. Initially sample of 200 subjects was taken from the population in which 60 (30 Male & 30 Female) subjects were outdoor sports students another 60 (30 Male & 30 Female) subjects were indoor sports students. Outdoor and Indoor Sports participation are independent variable in this study and Self Confidence of students is dependent variables in this study. Self Confidence of students was assessed with the help of marks obtained by Self Confidence Inventory (SCI–GR) constructed by Rekha Gupta. (Agnihotri), mean, S.D. and regression analysis were applied to find out the difference between groups. The result obtained through the study showed that Participation in outdoor or indoor sports is significant predictor of Self Confidence of students.
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