International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Anupriya Pandey , Dr. Dipali Gandhi
Pages: 41-45
The main objective of the study was to study the opinion of Science Teachers on Active Learning Strategies. Survey based
Research Methodology is used to study the opininion of School Teachers. Opinionnare was prepared to study the opinion of
Science Teachers on Active Learning Strategies, consisting of 50 items on three point scale under 5 components namely (1)
Planning, (2) Material Development, (3) Teacher-Learning (4) Evaluation (5) Class room Interaction. The sample comprised
of 238 Science teachers of English Medium Schools of Gujarat State. The samples were randomly selected for the study.
Percentage analysis is done to analyse the data collected by 238 Science Teachers. The study group consisted of 164 females and
74 male Teachers in age ranging between 24yrs to 48yrs. The percentage analysis of the opinionnare indicated that using active
learning approach the creative skill, problem solving ability, experiential skills can be enhanced whereas this approach
excludes the introvert and cannot be used to teach on all the contents. This strategy demands proper planning of active learning
strategy to be able to be performed at school level and within the classroom and also be able to allow course completion.
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