International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dr. Ajeet Kumar Rai , Jaya Mukherji
Pages: 46-51
The goals of Science Education are themselves ever evolving and dynamic in nature and hence the science education community
has preferred to use the term Scientific Literacy (SL ) as an ‘umbrella term’ denoting the array of outcomes expected of science
education. At the same time the review highlights the emergence of new aspects of science learning that has compelled the
reconceptualization of the term and reconfiguration of the structure of the term to include certain dimensions that were
neglected earlier. One such dimension is the ‘Nature of Science’ (NOS) that has emerged as a significant dimension of SL
particularly since the last decade of the last century and that still continues as an important area of research for the science
education research community. The paper also provides rationale for inclusion of this emerging dimension while framing the
school science curriculum. The objectives of this paper are: 1) to present a brief historical overview of evolution of the concept
of SL and subsequently to identify the main dimensions as reflected in the contemporary conceptualization of SL in the global
scenario. 2) To present the conceptualization of SL as reflected in the National Curriculum Frameworks of India. 3) To provide
rationale for inclusion of this emerging dimension of SL viz. ‘NOS’ while framing the school science curriculum. The
methodology of the paper is through a review of the science education journals to develop the theme of SL. Following this, the
conceptualization of SL as reflected in the NCFs of Indian origin using google search engine. Further, some more journals were
looked up to provide rationale for inclusion of NOS in the School Science curriculum. The findings are: 1) The dimensions of SL
identified at the global scenario are- a) Content knowledge b) Science Process Skills c) NOS d) Science-Technology-Society
relationship. 2) SL in the Indian perspective is conceptualized in terms of Content knowledge and its application in various
aspects of life, Science Process Skills, development of scientific attitude but it does not directly identify NOS an aim of Science
Education. So the last finding/conclusion of the paper is to provide some significant rationale for including NOS while framing
the School Science Curriculum.
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