International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mr. Bodising Narah , Dr. Lima Boruah
Pages: 19-24
We are human being. As we human being we know that children differ from each other in a variety of ways. They differ from each
other physically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. Children may be so distributed that a majority of them may be
classified as average or normal. There may also be a few children who may be found to deviate mentally, socially, educationally
or physically from the normal children to quite an appreciable extent. Such children distinctly require proper identification and
special educational care and their adjustment problems have to be tackled in a specialized manner. These deviated children are
often designated as exceptional children. In this study paper we would like to clearly express that about the concept,
identification of exceptional children and its nature, types, problems and educational provision as per needs. As methodology we
have used secondary data and required information are collected from different secondary sources.
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