International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dr. (Mrs) Neeta Kalita Barua , Sri Debojit Borah
Pages: 32-37
Education Occupation, income, etc are some of the determinants that help us to know the social mobility of a group of people.
Among these education and occupation plays a significant role in determining social mobility. The present paper attempts to
examine the intergenerational educational and occupational mobility of the Scheduled Caste people of Kaliapani Development
Block under Jorhat district of Assam. The study of intergenerational mobility on SC people has become immensely important
because SC communities are considered as the deprived sections of society. Different positive attempts have been made by the
Government for their development and that have brought changes to the lives of them. The findings from analyzing a set of
primary data with the outflow mobility table reveal that the intergenerational educational and occupational mobility has been
occurred of the SCs of the study area which leads to great change and development and supposed to fulfill the hopes and
aspirations of the people.
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