International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Jagannath K. Dange
Pages: 1-12
The purpose of this study was to find out the effectiveness of Computer-Assisted Instruction in the development of Study Habits in relation to Gender, Locality and Socio-Economic Status of Secondary School Students. Pre-test, post-test parallel group experimental design was followed and Purposive sampling technique was used to form thirty students each control and Experimental groups. Standard Progressive Matrices [SPM] by Raven.J.C [1988] and Test for Higher Mental Ability in Science (THMAS) by Sansanwal and Anuradha Joshi (1989) were administered to make parallel groups. Computer Assisted Instruction package was developed on IX Science content and same used for experimentation. Study Habit Inventory by Sansanwal and Mukhopadhaya [1992] was used to assess the Study habits of IX standard students. The t- test and Two-Way Analysis of Variance were used to analyze the obtained data. The result showed that Computer assisted instruction was more effective than conventional method of teaching science in developing Study habits among students. Significant effect of Gender, Locality and Socio-Economic Status was not found on the development of Study habits when students learnt through Computer Assisted instruction.
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