International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mubeen Zehra , Dr. Arif Mohammad
Pages: 67-72
The Digital India Campaign is playing a very significant role in transforming our nation into a digitally empowered society and
knowledge economy. While education plays a critical role in this transformation, in return, ICT plays an important role in
improving educational processes and outcomes. Thus, the relationship between ICT and education is bidirectional. ICT is no
substitute but now highly considered as a powerful tool for teachers & learners in teaching-learning process. Teachers use ICT
for making teaching-learning process more interesting, creative and effective. In this paper, the researcher explored the factors
that determine the integration of ICT in teaching-learning process at school level based in Delhi. Descriptive survey research
design was implemented in the study. The focus of the study was on identifying the factors that influence teachers teaching
strategies and lead to effective and efficient integration of ICT for enhancing the quality of teaching-learning process. A selfconstructed
questionnaire was employed on 50 in-service teachers having 2-year B.Ed. (General) degree to know their
perception about competencies, knowledge, confidence, strategies and pedagogical skills used to integrate ICT in teachinglearning
process. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics like mean, SD and percentile. The findings of the study
revealed that most of the sampled in-service teachers perceived that integrating ICT enhances the quality of teaching-learning
process. The determinants of ICT integration that were found to enhance the quality of teaching-learning process are teachers’
self-efficacy, attitude, accessibility of ICT facilities and resources, and teachers’ competencies and pedagogical skills
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