International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Mihir Sampat , Kankana Ghosh
Pages: 73-78
The story of economic development in China is interesting. Since its inception of People’s Republic of China in 1949, the
economy was based after the soviet model. So, accordingly, the communist China severed its ties with the capitalist world. It
substituted imports with domestic goods using its own resources. However, it was also very dependent on Soviet resources and
The aim was to create a model of state-owned heavy industries sector from the capital accumulated from agriculture. This model
allowed China to use its resources to establish the foundations of an industrial economy. Employment and social welfare were
assured to all citizens, and China moved ahead of most developing countries in educating its citizens and ensuring better health
for them. The Chinese leadership took major policy decisions in the 1970s. This was because industrial production was not
growing fast enough, international trade was minimal and per capita income was very low. China ended its political and
economic isolation with the establishment of relations with the United States in 1972.
The privatisation of agriculture in 1982 was followed by the privatisation of industry in 1998. Trade barriers were eliminated
only in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) where foreign investors could set up enterprises. In China, the state played and
continues to play a central role in setting up a market economy. Privatisation of agriculture led to a remarkable rise in
agricultural production and rural incomes. High personal savings in the rural economy led to an exponential growth in rural
industry. The Chinese economy, including both industry and agriculture, grew at a faster rate. As of 2020, Chinese have come a
long way. With the second largest economy of the world, it dominates the global economy. The paper analyzes its impact on
Pakistan, Africa and USA.
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