International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. Anjali Khirwadkar , Pinkal Chaudhari
Pages: 1-9
The Education needs to be revamped to bring it to the state of active and joyful learning in multi-cultural context of Globalization. The technological innovations and interventions through satellite have made the whole globe a village likes and wherein every part of the world through inter and intra networks. The present world can be best described as a knowledge society. To meet the increasing demands of growing population of the society, it is necessary to utilize the potential of Information and Communication Technology in pedagogy. The accumulation of knowledge in the cyber age is as significant as the dissemination. Increasing demands of the Technology and high influence of the technology has made Education compatible with the basic needs of the society. New electronic gazettes have come in the market every day and new generation is also crazy to adopt new technology. This shifting from necessity to ferocity has lead to enhance compatibility of the teachers to cope with techno influenced generation. Hence it is very essential to build capacity of teacher so that they can contribute to the society by making teaching effective. In this paper, authors have tried to present perception of student teachers towards the adapting new technologically driven Education.
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