International Journal of Education and Psychological Research

(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)

Print - ISSN: 2349 - 0853
e - ISSN: 2279 - 0179


(June 2022)

A Study of Emotional Stability of Secondary School Students in Relation to Academic Stress


Dr. Sunita Arora

Pages: 1-4


Education is a powerful weapon you can use to change the world. It is not only a means to enhance human capital, productivity

and, hence, the compensation to labour, but education is equally significant for enabling the process of acquisition, assimilation

and communication of information and knowledge, all of which augments a person's quality of life. Consideration of these

factors and the ways in which they interact provide an organic view of the teaching-learning process that is often called a

“systems approach”. This approach also provides a way of looking at ourselves, the environments in which we teach, and the

environments around us. Using this perspective, we can better examine the process and better design the process itself. The

present investigation aims at the study of emotional stability of secondary school students in relation to academic stress. The

sample consisted of100 students of four secondary schools of Faridabad district. While selecting the sample for the study, due

attention is paid to the various aspects of the criteria of sample selection. The sample was administered the scales of emotional

stability and academic stress by the investigators individually. The result indicated that emotional stability that there is

significant negative correlation between emotional stability and academic stress of secondary school students.