International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Kshirabdhi Tanaya
Pages: 10-12
Oral malodor or halitosis is otherwise called as bad breath. It is a common complain among all age group.
Halitosis is also a social stigma among people for which peoples are feeling uneasy to disclose it. Presence of bad oral hygiene
can cause bad breath and that may affect to our social, external, internal relationship and also can put impact on psychological
aspect of individual’s life which leads to alteration in quality of life. Usually ,people are unaware about their own breath. But
when they become aware about his or her oral malodor ,they may perceive or relate the causes of it incorrectly due to presence of
self stigma as well as social stigma. This Halitosis or oral malodor is a condition which is mostly present among general
population throughout the world.
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