International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Dharmendra Kumar Sarraf , Ratnesh Jain
Pages: 13-21
The traditional system of instruction assumes that all the students need the same information at the same place and at the same
time. This education system does not achieve the whole targets for qualitative teaching and learning, so that students may be
able to think critically, act creatively and solve their problems individually and collectively. In this manner we can say that the
traditional educational teaching methods are not more suitable in current situation. Today's classrooms are portrayed by
predominant part of the instructor and students considered as detached recipient of chose content issue, learning strategy and
assessment procedures. The points and targets of training change every one in a while with the way of thinking of life, need of the
general public and topic. The education system should be more practical at upper primary and secondary level and avoid the
workloads which enhance rote method in students to increase their percentage or grade points. In case if we talk about creative
and innovative work in field of science at secondary level students, the result is negligible. Now the question arises, why this ratio
of students has a large difference in it? Therefore, the investigators tried through this study to explore the impact of scientific
creativity and mathematical creativity on achievement in science among English medium secondary class students of Sagar city.
The main objectives of this study were to investigate the relationship among scientific creativity, mathematical creativity &
achievement in science and the combined impact of scientific creativity and mathematical creativity on achievement in science
among secondary students of English medium secondary class of Sagar city.
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