International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Dr. M.M. Gandhi
Pages: 1-8
This comprehensive paper argues that Education plays an important role in the process of social change. It is very potential instrument, a powerful medium of bringing about changes in the society. Changes brought about by education are permanent and transcendent in nature. The modern world is changing very fast. This paper suggests that with the help of new communication media, modern methodology and latest instructional materials, education bring about changes in the society. This paper highlights that the NEP (1986) characterizes higher education as a crucial factor for survival, providing the Indian people with an opportunity to reflect on the critical, social, economic, cultural, moral and spiritual issues facing humanity. This paper further argues that Higher Education is the main instrument for development & change. It has the important task of preparing leaders for different walks of life-social, intellectual, political, cultural, scientific & technological. Universities & Colleges function as the focal centers of Higher Education.
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