International Journal of Education and Psychological Research
(Print and Online Peer Reviewed Journal)
Authors: Geeta Rani
Pages: 38-41
The responsibility of making a country great rests on the shoulders of the young generation known as youth. It is the youth only who can and will change the image of our country. However, problem of depression among these youths not only becoming a cause of worry to the parents, guardians and educational authority but it has become a national concern. It is one of the burning problems of present era. There is a wide spread depression among these students. Instead of becoming a positive force in nation building, they are getting increasingly resentful. They are showing their discontentment by behavior against social norms in a manner which bewilder the elders. Also there is a drastic change in their personality in their behavior and attitude, which is causing a great concern for all. Present paper studies the major work done by various researchers in this direction.
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